
Founder / CEO – The Relateful Company

We help people build great relationships.

  • CircleAnywhere: (CircleAnywhere) World’s first online relational meditation platform—now with 100+ sessions a week with 40+ facilitators and thousands of participants around the world in integrally informed transformational practice.
  • Relateful Austin: (Austin Circling Studio) World’s first dedicated physical Circling Studio, with sessions every day in Austin, Texas USA
  • Level Up ⬆️ : Innovative highly personalized 9 month, 200 hour leadership leadership development and (inter)personal transformation courses.
  • Pioneering Level Up Coaching course and certification program for training executive coaches in helping clients change identity level habits without getting caught up in the shadow of development imperatives and projecting our own completion projects upon the world

Executive Coaching & Communication

Currently working mostly with executive teams dedicated to large-scale social innovations and existential risk. We build the skills to bring more directness, honesty and compassion into difficult conversations and conflict, as well as integrate grounded spirituality with their work and vision. Contact my team if you fit the bill and are interested.